Friday, May 10, 2024

More Russians Come

 Another group of Russians have arrived. Nine in total. I love the spirit they bring with them. Two couples were ordained as temple workers, were trained, and then performed all the ordinances for those receiving endowments. It was a sweet experience. They will stay five days and do ordinances for their ancestors. One sister held an ordinance card in her hand, and with glowing eyes, told me (in Russian) this was her great-great grandmother. So special.

I helped with initiatories for the Russians, me speaking English, and the other two ordinance workers speaking Russian. One Russian sister, who came last week, spoke English without an accent, said, 

"It is like we in the Church are all one nation, the nation of Christ. Though we live in countries that might not get along and aren't following the commandments, we as a church are. We are united in Christ."

It is profound to think of it that way.

Last night I worked most of the time in clothing. I feel sorry for my first patron because I didn't know what I was doing, but I learned trial by error, and everything went well after that. 

The one hour shifts here in initiatories make our 1/2 hour shifts in Mesa seem wimpy. Dennis usually works 2 hours in initiatories. I've decided it is a mindset. Just go in for the long haul!

Our group of Russians had the temple to themselves yesterday morning and this morning, since the regular temple schedule doesn't start until 4 PM. Their group did initiatories and an endowment session. One babushka was either hard of hearing or didn't want to deal with my English. She was cute and finally warmed up to me. 😊 Then, by chance, we
 had lunch with them at the hotel. Communication is always fun. We sat across from a young man, a computer programmer from Siberia, who spoke excellent English.

Dennis led a session this morning. In attendance were patrons from India, Japan, USA, Russian, and Viet Nam. Where else could you find a group so diverse but united in the same cause, believing in the same God. I love being with these wonderful followers of Jesus Christ.

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Our Last Week

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