Sunday, June 30, 2024

Bangkok Belly--the last week of June.

"Bangkok Belly" is real and no fun. I've had it for over a week now. I'd think I was over it, but then it would start again. My neighbors brought Thai remedies for the ailment but with little results. Everyone said to go to the doctor, but here, you go to the hospital because that is where the doctor is. If the "belly" comes back again, I will need to find a doctor. Fun, huh?

A group of Armenians and Russians have spent the week here in the temple. In this group, two sisters received their endowments, a family was sealed, a woman was sealed to her deceased husband, and many hours were spent in service. We enjoyed a testimony meeting with them on Friday evening that included the temple president, (pictured on the far right.) I will add their names here to always remember: Anik, Silva, Greta, Svetlana, Eva, Lillian, Gohar, Ara.

Sauan Sukhan is a long-time member of the church in Thailand--even back when Dennis spent his mission here in 1970. He and his wife are visiting Thailand for a few weeks from Utah where they serve in the Jordan River Temple.

A few weeks ago I trimmed Dennis' hair with the kitchen scissors. This month I talked him into going to a real barber. He paid under $5 for it.  It looks pretty good for a five dollar hair cut. :-) Actually, it looks really good compared to the chop I gave him!
L-R Tim Eldredge, Joan and Dennis Sowards
Rozella and Anan Eldredge, Sister and Brother Sukhan,
and Pres. and Sister Rich.
We are witnessing history!
The Thailand Bangkok mission is dividing into two missions --east and west. President Jeffrey and Sister Christine Rich of the west mission are standing at the far right in this photo. He was a former missionary under President Anan Eldredge (also pictured.) 

The church is growing in Thailand!

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Our Last Week

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