Sunday, June 2, 2024

The Temple Reopens Tomorrow!

We look forward to the temple reopening tomorrow. No more biding our time, though we have had some fun adventures.

Feeling secluded in our apartment, one evening we went over to the temple annex next door and found this young man, Peter, playing the piano. He was quite skilled but played only by ear or the memorized pieces people had taught him. I was blown away by his talent! I talked him into playing "Heart and Soul" with me and he picked it up right away. He said he'd never learned to read music. So using the children's songbook (on the window ledge behind us), I pointed out middle C and how to figure the following notes. He picked that up too. Next time I see Peter, I expect him to be giving a concert at Carnegie Hall!

This innocent looking mango drink is my downfall. It is so deliciously refreshing, but I fear it is the reason I am gaining weight. So I asked the girl who makes them at the FX hotel if she would teach me the process, and sure enough, she puts sugar water in it. I'll need to eat them sparingly from now on. I think Dennis has lost a pound or three because his wedding ring keeps sliding off. We've found it on the floor and in the hand towels.

It is uncommon here to see a Thai with hair as white as mine. This woman's hair is so beautiful, and I asked to have our picture together. She happily agreed. Afterward, we found out that she and her daughter were there visiting from Hong Kong! She wasn't Thai at all. 
On Saturday, the youth from three stakes came together for an activity. Here they are sitting in groups on the floor doing a scripture story project. Thais will happily sit on the floor. Image youth in America, going to a meeting in dress clothes, and then being asked to sit in groups on the floor. You'd have a bunch of whiners. Afterwards, they went to the chapel to hear a member of the General Young Women's presidency speak, a broadcast from Ubon, a stake up north of Bangkok.
We went for a walk down Asoke road and found this lovely park in the midst of the big city--Benchakitti Forest Park.

It seems every Sunday proves the saying that it is a small world in the church. Elle Pothier Simon is the niece of our Mesa Lehi Stake president, Stephen Pothier, visiting here along with her husband. 

We had planned to work on renewing our visas today, but again, it is a Thai holiday. Thailand has so many holidays--it seems like every other week.  We figure that traditionally the Thais didn't observe Sunday, so they took breaks by having frequent holidays and festivals. Now Sunday is observed as a day off work for most people, but they have also kept their traditional holidays.

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