Sunday, July 21, 2024



Brother Chang and wife, and us in our costumes.
We started the week off by giving a pioneer powerpoint presentation for Family Home Evening and potluck, focusing on the handcart companies of Willie and Martin. Dennis and I dressed in costume (compliments of the Ayutthaya Branch.) About twenty-five temple workers came. We made pioneer biscuits and passed around a jar of cream to shake and make butter. Of course there was a lot of Thai food there too, but the biscuits got eaten!  
FHE singing "Come, Come Ye Saints"
We also showed the video "Eyes Turned Toward Zion" that I made a three years ago.
Back a day, we were delighted to see Boomee from Ayutthaya visiting our ward. She said she is preparing to serve a mission! Ten years ago she was just a little girl in the branch, now she's taller than me. She'll be a good missionary.

At the annex, a conference for single returned missionaries (about 50) from SE Asia was held. At least 12 received their endowments (post mission). Dennis and I led a session for 21 of the RMs on Wednesday morning. They were so tired (I guess from socializing all night) that it was humorous watching them try to stay awake! 

On Thursday, half of the conference did baptisms for the dead, and the other half did them on Friday. I'd never seen the baptistry so full. Dennis was the coordinator on Thursday, and I assisted. It went surprisingly well. I think it was a good experience for everyone.

My vertigo improved, but I still had to be careful with balance. The doctor said to sleep sitting up for a week. I did, and I got a little better every day. Our attempts at the Empley maneuver did no good and just made me sick to my stomach.

At the buffet
On Friday, we flew to Singapore to renew our visas. In Thailand, you can renew your visa once, but then you must leave the country and enter with a new 30 day visa. We tried to apply on line for a 60 day visa, but they kept asking us to jump through hoops and give up our first-born, so we finally settled for the 30-day visa. My knees don't do well jumping, and I'd like to keep my daughter.

Saturday, we took the Hop-on, Hop-off bus around Singapore. It is a beautiful city with modern architecture and wonderful landmarks.

Dennis with the buffet mascot.

We went to a fancy, high-priced buffet at the Fairmont Hotel because we heard it had a chocolate bar and you know how much we love chocolate. It had tables and tables of food from all over the world. The food was delicious and the chocolate bar was wonderful. We waddled out quite content.

This young woman is making a "Nitrogen Chocolate Bomb." It looked very impressive. It smoked all the way back to our table. I cut it with a knife and the contents oozed out. I will not order one again. 

The bomb is in the lower part of the photo below. 

The war memorial to the left, against the Singapore skyline.

We walked around the "Gardens by the Sea" --very lovely and peaceful.

Twelve of these SuperTrees "stand between 82 and 164 feet (25 and 50 meters) tall and consist of canopies of steel branches above steel-and-concrete trunks fitted with planting panels." I don't know if I understand all that, but they were impressive. It seems they capture solar energy too. Look closely and you can see people standing on the top.

Little India 
This ferris wheel looking thing is called the Singapore Flyer and moves very slowly. They say the trip around is over an hour.

Walking bridge

ArtScience Museum- the lotus shaped building in the rear.
Lovely architecture, incorporating the greenery of Singapore.

One of the malls inside the Marina Bay Sands Hotel

Our hotel is in "Little India." We have walked through the shops a few times. A lot of lovely Indian clothing, authentic gold, electronics, and jewelry are sold here. Above is a henna artist doing her craft.

Our hotel is next door to a popular Hindi temple. There are always a lot of shoes along the street, left by temple attendees.

So many dresses!

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