Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Singapore 2

Joan and Dennis
We went to the ArtScience Museum in the morning. It is a lovely light exhibit that projects flowers, leaves, fish, etc on the wall, making you feel you are surrounded by these lovely things. They had kids and parents drawing fish, airplanes, and birds, they they put the picture through a computer and then the drawing flew/swam around on the walls. Fun.
Dennis' airplane flying

Too bad blogger won't let me post videos. This picture is one of the walls. Dennis drew the airplane. If you enlarge it, you can see that the word on the side is Sowards.

The green picture is a slide that a timid two-year-old is stalled on. Her mother finally came and slid down with her. The girl smiled real big on her way down.

Sliding through moving flowers.
 The last room was filled with threads of beads hanging from the ceiling, a mirrored floor, and the beads programed to light up in patterns. It was beautiful! Dennis made a joke, saying this would cause children to have seizures... and my eyes started seeing weird. The right side of my vision started flashing. 

We got out of there quickly, but the sensation continued. I thought if I ate something, maybe I'd feel better. So we went to the food court and had a plate of rice and chopped meats fried in different sauces. It was delicious, and I did feel better.

Light room

View from inside capsule
The capsule at the Singapore Flyer
Then we walked over to the Singapore Flyer (equivalent to London Eye and Las Vegas' High Roller). I was unsure about going up in the air that high, but we went, and it was a great experience. It even stopped when we were about a two-thirds of the way up. Talk about uneasy. The views were spectacular, and we did make it back to earth just fine. The ride was about 30 minutes.

Looking up at the Singapore Flyer
Our flight home was delayed several hours due to engine problems. Then we bumped along through through turbulence almost the whole way to Bangkok. Our taxi driver then performed miracles getting through the evening Bangkok traffic. (We are always thankful for the gutsy ones.) Exhausted, we arrived at our apartment at 7:30 PM, too tired and too late to serve in the temple.

Some of the blessings of our trip were that we got to see that wonderful city and its many unique attractions, saw people at church whom we had met in June in the Bangkok temple and more who are coming in August, and received an unexpected blessing of a 60 day visa on reentering Thailand. Now that's huge!

We are happy to be home in Bangkok and to serve in the temple again.
Greeting by a storm over Bangkok on our return.
Bangkok's many skyscrapers create a jagged horizon.

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