Sunday, September 8, 2024

Happy Birthday, Dennis!

 We started the week by going to Cheesecake Factory to celebrate Dennis' birthday. Even though his birthday wasn't until Friday, Monday is our free day. The food was delicious, and the staff sang "Happy Birthday" to him in English.

Afterwards, we went grocery shopping at Big C. The store was so crowded we could hardly get our cart down the aisle! 

I don't know about fashion trends in the states, but here are some of the things we see at the mall.

This week, a group from Singapore came, which was easy because most of them speak English. Some still used the Chinese language cards in Initiatory, it makes it more meaningful to experience the ordinances in your native language.

We also had a group from Cambodia. It proved more challenging because none of these sweet women spoke English or Thai, and they couldn't read my hand signals either! At least we have language cards for Initiatory, but we don't have the endowment film in Cambodian.

I had a special moment in initiatories with a Cambodian sister. She seemed so tiny sitting in the chair, and she could hardly read the Cambodian card as I gave the ordinance in English, let alone read the English temple-issued proxy names. I'd read the name for her and she would repeat it--syllable by syllable, and I imagined elegant women to match the beautiful English names. Then the Spirit touched me, telling me that this humble, almost-illiterate woman was certainly worthy to stand in proxy for even the most elegant queen. A humbling experience.

We deal with divers languages every day. I say that every blog, but until you live it, you can't appreciate the challenge!

Our oldest grandson, Dillon Van Stapley, received his endowment Friday in the Mesa, AZ temple. What a milestone in his life for us to miss! We felt our loss, but are so happy for him. He has his mission call to Spanish Fork, Utah.

I made a Texas sheet cake for Dennis' birthday. You can see we only had pecans enough for a fourth of the cake. We don't know if it turned out so delicious because we've missed having good American chocolate cake, or what, but we really enjoyed it. We shared with the other couples who live by us. 

It was also President Khanakham and Sister Khanakham's birthdays this weekend, so we took them each a piece of Dennis' birthday cake. We had plenty to share. We also made this birthday card, and several of the Friday and Saturday shift workers signed it for the Khanakhams.

Saturday was Sibekjamrat Jelernket's first time to act in his new calling as a temple sealer. We were privileged to help this good man with his first proxy sealings. 
(Dennis and I are a bit windblown in this photo.)

So, Monday marks three weeks until we leave Thailand and fly home to the USA. We face our departure with mixed emotions--eager to see our family again, but wishing to still be part of this great work. 

We will pray daily that the Lord blesses these fine Thai members to carry on this important work.

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