Sunday, September 8, 2013

Another Cookie Adventure

This week in our pirate-themed youth activity, we talked about "the true treasures in our life." Elder Smith from Rancho Cucamonga, CA gave a great lesson. Our first activity was to make chocolate chip cookie in-a-mug (thank you Julie for the idea.). Here we are mixing our individual mug cookies in our home-fashioned pirate hats.

The following activity was a scripture treasure hunt found on  The contributor wrote, "We had a hard time keeping the youth from running through the church." It sounded promising.

Apparently, clue-to-clue treasure hunts are not part of the culture. It was a 4x4 experience: Four youth were practically dragged through our four-level church building by four elders looking for 14 clues. It was the elders who ran, trying to muster up enthusiasm. Halfway through, the youth started catching on, but by then clues had been skipped and picked up out of order, but somehow with the persistence and talents of Elder Unsworth (West Valley, UT) we pulled it all together.
(Sidenote: it didn't help that I lost a clue when I placed it on a 3rd floor window sill and the breeze whisked it away.)

While we played another game, Sleeping Pirate,
(a lot of fun) we cooked the mug cookies in the microwave and set them on the table to cool. After the game, we served the cookie with ice cream. Okay, we learned a few things. Since we let the cookie cool, it became hard as cement!  I thought of all those ingredients gone to waste. But no, each of those kids chiseled at their cookie until it was all eaten. The ice cream really helped. Good sports.

Changing subjects: I have wondered for five months about these signs on the tollroad. Are they "exit" misspelled?--(you see a lot of English miss-wording and spellings here in Thailand.) I finally looked it up. No, it isn't a misspelling. It means  Expressway Authority of Thailand (EXAT) 

More and more English is appearing in Thailand. Every company, it seems, has their name in Thai script and also English. With the ASEAN community (open trade between southeast Asian countries) coming into effect in two years, and English as their designated business language, we will see even more English in Thailand. The youth study English in school, but are reluctant to learn and speak it. We are hoping the attendance in our English classes (we are up to 15 students) will increase as it has in Bangkok where they have 100 students every Tuesday.

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