Monday, May 5, 2014

Entertaining Week

One of the sisters baptized last week asked me to confirm her. I consider it a privilege and appreciate that I was asked on Saturday and had time to prepare since doing it in Thai is always a challenge, especially the names.

Wednesday, Joan and I went to Bangkok to see the BYU Young Ambassadors perform. The princess was in attendance, too-- (first wife of the prince and mother of the oldest grandchild). To our surprise Baily Brinkerhoff from Westwood/Maricopa Stake was one of the performers. They gave a super concert singing and dancing, representing BYU, the church and the USA well. 

Young Ambassadors in Bangkok

Friday Elder Mageno was transfer. We will miss him, he has served well. We gained Elder Martin who came out the same time we did. He is the district leader. Elder Kittavong is now my second counselor in the bishopric. Elder Kittavong is from Laos and this will be an opportunity for him to learn more about church organization. He will probably need to apply it soon after he returns home the end of October.

We attended a welcome home party for

David Shaw who is married to a Thai member He is from UK but is retiring here. He played bagpipes at the party. I am sure the neighbors will love him.

Our Saturday youth activity was Choose the Right in various situations at school, home and with friends. We also colored folder kits for Mercy Centre Bangkok (school for economically deprived children). 

There has been a wheelchair stored at the church. I didn’t know what to do with it when we moved to the new building, but ended up bringing it anyway. This week Brother Waay needed it--our member who has been in the hospital the last few months. He is well enough to be able to be moved around in a wheelchair. He still cannot use his left arm or open his left eye, but has made much progress.

I hired a lady to cut the lawn. She did a great job with her weed-eater. Of course she had to remove all the elephants, monkeys and tigers first.

A member posted the scripture from 2 Nephi 6:14 on Facebook. He posted it in Thai, so I put it in Google translate. This is what I received:

And behold, according to the words of the prophets, God's Messiah will prepare the elements back, had to be serviced, they return; therefore, he will show one of them on khakae where King's influence and immense image RADIUS, until destruction an enemy to them, when the day arrives when they believe in him; and he does not destroy those who believe in him (2 fire station 6: 14)
I especially like how it translated “Nephi” (fire station)

I spent much of Monday helping with a quorum service project. We rebuilt part of a roof and added a rain gutter. We could have done the project in an hour but had to make 3 trips to the store to buy materials, longer screws, etc. It took 5 hours, including lunch. It was hot and very humid. I felt at one point I was getting close to heat stroke.

Some members had planned to go to another members house and celebrate their son’s 19th birthday. We didn’t know about it until it was casually mentioned at the service project. So we went and took brownies. 

At the house (expecting it to be a party), the sister who had organized the event asked that we sing a song and have a prayer. She then she surprised the elders quorum president by asking him give a FHE lesson. That this happens happens all the time, someone else organizes a meeting then expects a leader to instantly teach a lesson.

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