Sunday, July 7, 2024

Happy July 4th!

These missionaries completed their service at the end of June after serving honorably. The 2nd from the right is Elder Nut who is from Ayutthaya. We are so happy for him.

A large group of Vietnamese came to do ordinances this week. We witnessed history again when the first Vietnamese ordinance worker was set apart for our temple. Jonathan is a translator for the church and a delightful young man. We were privileged to visit with him and hear his conversion story. So many members give up so much--jobs, family, friendships--to join the Church and follow Jesus Christ.

I got a haircut this week as shown in this goofy "Stan Laurel" photo. I went to an upscale mini-mall near the temple. They had their prices posted, which seemed high for Thailand. They charged for everything separate--the wash, cut, blow style--which is not unusual for the states, but when the hostess showed me the price up front, I was blown away but just couldn't walk out because I was hopeful to get the cut. They said it would take 45 minutes, so I agreed. First, a young girl washed my hair. She washed and washed--two washes and a conditioner, and 20 minutes later--I pointed to my watch, wondering if I'd committed to a 45 minute head massage! I had to be in the temple in an hour. She giggled and ended the washing. Then came the cut, done by another lady. Nothing unusual about it or the dry. I tried to speak Thai to the person, but she kept say she didn't speak English, so I'd repeat the memorized line again, trying my best to say the tones and correct pronunciation--"Do you have children?" Easy, right? She'd again say she didn't speak English.

Do I speak Thai that badly? I guess so. 

We had a 7 AM session on Saturday for the new mission presidents and stake presidents and their wives. It was a privilege to be present as all these Church leaders in Thailand came for a session together.

I usually don't add spiritual experiences we've had in the temple, they being sacred, but there have been times when the person we are acting in proxy for has undeniably accepted the ordinance--the Spirit being so strong at times. 

I served as a witness in the baptistry one morning this week. For both the recorder, the baptizer, and the proxy, it was their first experience in those positions. The man baptizing had never baptized anyone, let alone in the temple. There was a quiet discussion on how to hold the hands and raise the arm to the square. It was a sweet experience watching these men prepare themselves to do this sacred ordinance. And then the Spirit witnessed to me as the baptisms began that this was the way it was meant to be, that we all work together to bring to pass the salvation for our dead, made possible through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. 

We celebrated the 4th of July long before any of you even woke up (since we're 14 hours ahead of Arizona.)  Dennis arranged with the American senior couples and other American visitors to go to lunch for hamburgers. We walked across the street to Mos Burger (18 of us). They have good burgers, all Thai flavored, and the size is small. We had no fireworks, except Elder Belnap did blow the wrapper off his drinking straw and sent it flying through the air. Happy birthday, America!

Okay, I got over the belly problem, but now I have vertigo! 

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Our Last Week

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