Sunday, July 28, 2024

Cabin Fever

 I caught something on the flight home Monday from Singapore. I shouldn't blame the young man assigned to the seat next to me. He tried really hard to keep to himself, wore a face mask, and even carried his strep throat medication with him.  By Tuesday, I was down--raspy throat, aches and pain, active stomach. By Saturday, I had a full-fledged cold. I had to get a sub to teach Relief Society on Sunday in my place.

The month of July has not been my friend with the Bangkok Belly, vertigo, a broken tooth, and now the flu turned into a cold. Feeling kinship to Job from the Bible, I've sat in the apartment more days than I have served in the temple. Again, the neighbor brought Thai food every day so we wouldn't starve--bless her sweet heart. Dennis went out in Saturday's pouring rain to get me a hamburger and French fries, and got the neighbors some too. Being Thai, they probably took one bite, and that was enough.

Dennis had all the fun in the temple without me. In addition to the Thais and Burmese who usually come, we had Russian and Vietnamese groups, many for their own endowments, and also a young adult girl from the ward who is waiting for her mission call. It is always a special experience to help patrons on their first time in the temple, and I'm sorry to miss it.

Cocolate chip cookies
I tried my hand at chocolate chip cookies for the first time since leaving Mesa in April. Though I used the same recipe, the dough didn't taste the same as at home. The sugars are different, the butter is different. I added more butter and sugar to get it to taste more like home. We still ate them happily. Maybe the Thai's sugar is why their cakes and goodies aren't as sweet as ours.
A member, Brother Yay, brings us fruit every week. This is a persimmon. I had to look it up to know what it was. It isn't ripe enough to eat yet. Perhaps in a few days. 

We are told today that tomorrow the electricity will be turned off all day to do maintenance on the temple. We hope they are fixing the air-conditioning. Our room got up to almost 80 degrees today with a humidity of about 80%. Since I'm still not well, Dennis arranged for a room for the day at the FX Hotel next door. How sweet of him.

This cute boy turned one year old on Friday. We talked to him on his birthday and he opened his present (a quiet book for church) while we watched. We are thankful for technology so that we don't miss too many precious moments of our grandchildren's lives.

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Our Last Week

With another Eurasian group, and groups from northern  Thailand, our very last week was the busiest yet in the temple--Saturday being the bu...