Sunday, August 25, 2024

Not Everything that Glitters

Rama 9 Central Mall held a Thai handcrafts fair. Everything was so beautiful--the clothing, jewelry, handbags, etc. Of course they asked handcrafted prices, which were reasonable for the quality. These two ladies are selling embroidered bags and clothing.

I bought this handmade whisk broom and pan. They are so Thai style, and something I can take home with me in my luggage.

The local news was there reporting on the fair. A photographer took Dennis and my picture with our new purchase.

President and Sister Khanakham presented a Family Home Evening about the need to be fit. The president showed us a series of simple exercises to do daily. Afterward, we held a potluck. A popular Thai dish, massaman curry, was the main dish. We served vanilla pudding with the bananas that Brother Yaay had given us.
The FHE potluck

We went to the night market hoping to find trinkets to take home to AZ but we got caught in a brisk rain. Below are the biggest prawns I've ever seen. 

This beautiful
 sister from Indian met us on the way home in the downpour. She came at the beginning of the week, traveling alone, to receive her endowments. Then she spent every day in the temple doing work for her family. When she first arrived, I told her how brave she was to come without a companion. She made friends with two other young sisters from India, and they were often seen working together. I am constantly in awe of the devotion of the member who sacrifice so much and travel far to come to the temple.

The last group of Russians who were scheduled to come while we are here, came this week--a group of 40 including teens and children. The work went practically non-stop for five days. Nine women and four men received their endowment. About seven youth are going on missions. I was coordinator for the own endowment initiatories on Wednesday. Imagine, nine sisters waiting in line in the initiatory area. 

The next day, the whole group did four straight hours of live sealings.

Every endowment session held this week was full. Several sessions were added to accommodate everyone who came. This must be the most flexible temple in the world.💪

Dennis lost a tooth filling. Imagine that! We don't know what it is about Thailand (and traveling in general) that causes fillings to fall out. 

We went back to the dentist office where I had my tooth fixed last week, and after they looked in Dennis' mouth, they said he needed a crown, so we made an appointment for Friday at noon. 

We missed our mid-shift at the temple to keep the appointment. On our arrival, the receptionist told us the person who had an appointment before us needed a complicated procedure that might take up to an hour or two. We decided to wait and went to the skin clinic next door to the dentist's office.

The clinic was posh and glittery like gold. Photos of women with perfect skin graced the walls. Every worker wore matching suits and high heels. Clients sat in plush chairs for consultation. The place was gorgeous. 

Their flyer that lured us through the door claimed they could remove red spots with a laser. I told them what I wanted removed. They said they wouldn't use the laser, but use a--- gave me a fancy name for whatever it was. They sweet talked me into having the treatment right then, doubling the price from the flyer. (Should have been a warning.)

Dennis went to his dentist appointment while they took me back into a salon room and first gave me a relaxing half-an-hour facial, then the doctor brought in the (whatever they'd called it) which looked like a fancy wood burning kit. To make a long story short, they burned every spot on my face--except for the red spots I wanted gone in the first place. The assistant pointed to one spot under my eye and asked the doctor if she was going to treat it. "Mai dai," Doc answered, meaning "Cannot." At that moment I knew I'd been taken by bate and switch, a victim of a lack of communication, and would probably end up walking out looking worse than when I came in the door. I worn a face mask for two days in the temple to hide my wounds, and caked on the makeup today for church.

Not everything that glitters is gold.

[PS three weeks later: My skin healed well, and actually I'm glad I had the treatment.]

BTW, Dennis was measured for a dental crown, and we will go back next week to have it placed.

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