Sunday, August 4, 2024

Power Outages and Covid Recovery

 The electricity was turned off for maintenance in the temple complex for the entire Monday, so we rented a room at the FX Hotel next door for the day. We had the best room of all the times we've gone there through the years. I was still not up to par from having the flu, so Dennis did a few errands while I stayed down. 

We went back to our apartment around 6PM. All was well, but the air-conditioning hadn't cooled the rooms yet, so we had a warm evening, and there was no hot water until Wednesday. Yet we were happy to be home!

Egg poached in coconut milk
We awoke to neighbors bringing food--Eggs poached in coconut milk made by the temple 2nd councillor, and cooked black urad brought by the president's wife. We ate the urad like cracked wheat. Both tasted good.

Black urad

Eating Thai food is always an adventure.

Our first friends from Russian are back. The couple in the front returned home on Tuesday, and the second couple have come to prepare for the group who are coming next week, some of whom had come in April. The woman in the back is the second couple's daughter. She lives in Germany with her American husband. She also has American citizenship. 

My brother, Russel, has stage 4 colon cancer. My son, Rex, took his two boys to visit and sent this precious photo of Russ with the oldest son. I will treasure this photo forever.

When we serve missions or make commitments to serve as Dennis and I have, we know we will miss important events such as graduations, weddings, funerals, and birthdays. I wish I was there with Russ through this hard time in his life, and I try to send my love from time to time. I would pray he will wait for me to return, but that is too selfish. So I pray that the Lord's will be done. Miracles happen every day, so I can hope for the best.

The temple was closed Tuesday at the last minute due to a power outage. Several members had come from Cambodia and some were to receive their endowment, and had to wait until Wednesday.

Dennis and I were asked to help with the Asian Area YSA Conference. Those invited were x-pats ages 18-35 who are living in Asia but not in their native countries and speak English. My next post will feature the conference. It was a lot of fun!

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Our Last Week

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