Monday, May 27, 2024

Khon Kaen Branch --Day 3

 About 40 people attended the Khon Kaen Branch on Sunday. It is a phase 1 building on a busy street. We took a Grab (Uber) across town to the church house. No one Dennis knew 54 years ago is still in the branch, but they gave us a warm welcome anyway. Dennis gave the photos he printed last night to the branch president for their history.

They invited Dennis to be the first speaker and bare his testimony. It was touching. Then Sister Deep, who I had met in the temple two weeks ago, spoke. Another sister, Sister Nok, takes a flight to the temple once a month to serve as an ordinance worker in Bangkok. What sacrifices these members make!

I sang in English while everyone else sang in Thai. 

There is one American that is a permanent resident.

Members drying dishes after the potluck

True to Thai custom, a potluck was served afterward. Prepared, we brought croissants. 

Then we sat in on a missionary discussion with the elders and a young man investigator. Khon Kaen has two elders and two sister missionaries.

Another custom is to have a group photo on special occasions. Several members had already gone home, so the group isn't complete. We have the place of honor in the center front row. Most of the children are outside playing.

Wasana is the Maa (said like a sheep bleat) of the branch. I heard one of the young men call her by the title, and when I asked her about it she told me with pride she was the oldest. When I told her my age (which is five years older than her), all the sisters around us gasped, then started giggling, calling me, "Maa!" 

Later that evening, Sister Nok (which means bird) took us out of town to Wat Thung Setthi. The name means the Millionaires Field. 

It is a newer wat that emphasizes good and evil. Only a short walk down a path is a display of what happens to you after you die if you do evil. Portrayed by grotesque figures with elongated hands and tongues for stealing and lying, some wearing animal heads for killing animals, some climbing prickly trees for sexual behavior. I will not post pictures because all figures are naked and grossly emphasized. Okay, after seeing that....

Enter through this cave to see the displays. The devil is waiting.

Every wat has a Buddha, or many Buddhas. This one is brass painted black, with gold accents.

Inside the wat, look closely at the shutter panes. You will see Darth Vader in this one. Each pane represents a vice or a virtue. Popular movie characters are mixed in with Thai stories to show anger, greed, kindness, and goodness.

And of course, my favorite, the water lily or lotus. They grow in all colors.

Again, the dragons. There are two on each side. The back one has the tail of the front in its mouth. Lions bite the 2nd dragon, and nymphs bite the lion's tail. Is there a story here, or is it just fun?
Dennis visited the seven-headed dragon/serpant in "hell." It was a creepy place!

Sister Nok secretly took this photo of us. Barefoot at the wat. I like it!

Child mermaids surround the wat.

One last photo before we leave. 
Wat Thung Setthi surely is an anomaly when it comes to wats.
We went to the Thai BBQ restaurant down the street from the hotel. We had no idea what it was when we walked in. They brought us little cuts of pork, crab, and shrimp still in the shell with feet, and we cooked it on this little hot plate or dome, and cooked the veggies in the moat around it. Surprisingly, it was delicious!

We're glad we went to Khon Kaen for the weekend. We learned a lot and enjoyed being with the members there. No matter where we visit, the Church is the same and welcoming all over the world!

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